
What causes pupil discoloration?

by Guest10948  |  earlier

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I have a discoloration in my left eye that looks like and "eye freckle" in my pupil. I mean, it's the actual size of a small freckle! The discoloration is brown and the rest of the pupil is light hazel with a orange circle around the center (< the circle is on both eyes). So what causes all this?




  1. Try eye drops to make it go away.  If it persists more than a day or two, have an eye doctor (or your family doctor) look at it.  There is a tiny chance that it could be tumor, so it&#039;s worth having a doctor look at it.

  2. This is known as an iris nevus.  It is, indeed, a freckle of sorts.  As with all freckles, most are harmless but should be monitored for changes.  Here is an example of one, though they can be smaller, larger, more or les numerous:

    Hope this helps.

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