
What causes some teenagers to be Shopaholic?

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What causes some teenagers to be Shopaholic?




  1. I don't think this is just a teenage thing because I like to shop all the time too and I am no teenager.

  2. materialistic runaway train

    not placing high value on money

    desire to fit in

  3. Aimed at women specifically i was introduced to a very interesting theory about this. Women were traditionally the homemakers which, while still very hard work, was incredibly difficult in the days of yore. Due to the industrial revolution, machines became possible to have in every household making work easier, and freeing up time. Some of this spare time was dedicated to hobbies and social/political groups. A lot of times, especially for political groups, the women would meet in shopping areas - it was much less conspicuous to see a large group of women together in a shopped center. Also supplies would be needed for their hobbies, and the continued search for more machines to make housework easier.

    This began to be passed down mother to daughter - look for things to make the home life easier, the shopping center as a gathering place, creative outlets for hobbies, etc.

    This also took its toll on men's culture as well, as with the industial revolution came more men devoted stores - hardware stores, sports stores, etc etc.

    Through THAT sort of history with a capitalist and materialistic society - and shopping addictions are born.

    I haven't done a lot of research on this theory, and it does stereotype men and women into traditional gender roles. but I found it interesting nonetheless :-)

  4. Hormones, worried how they look all the time(identification with form), trying to keep up with their friends.    Where I live they hang around the shopping malls a lot so the temptation is there all the time.

  5. Wow this question is the story of my life.

    Growing up, I always had the basics in life... I never had everything I ever wanted, but I lived a good life. My parents were not materialistic people and never in any way spoiled me. Throughout high school I began to realize WHAT money was and what HAVING money meant. I went to a private school, which was complete culture shock from what I was used to.

    I got my first job (it was a summer job) when I was 15 years old because I wanted money and to buy things that my parents couldn't buy me. It wasn't until I started college and worked more that my spending habits took over my life. CREDITS CARDS were the end of me. AND at 22 years old, I racked up about $9,000 of debt AND I really have nothing to show for it. Last month I entered a debt management program that would help me lower my interests rates and now I have no credit cards.

    WELLLL....... thank you for reading that :)

    In a nutshell, I think people place importance and their self worth on wrong things. For instance, material things only give us happiness and satisfaction for a little while. It never really lasts. We base what we think about ourselves ON what others think of us. It's called the SOCIAL COMPARISON THEORY.....

  6. we have all developed not just a need for any indvidual object but

    the need to need

    if we hadn't developed this pathological disposition then our economy would up the tubes

    on the other hand because we have developed it our environment is down the drain.

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