
What causes the death of my cat

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my cat is dead a day b4 yesterday...i dunno cat is still young cat..first....she starts to vomit...i tot it was i didnt go 2 vet...but dead...i try to go to vet few hours b4....but all vet is closed...i want to know wat causes she to be dead...a few days b4 she dead,..our community ppl spray insecticide at our neighbourhood to kill aedes it bcoz of that spray she's dead?




  1. It could be the bug spray, or if there was a change in her eating habits (such as not eating) and she vomited until the vomit was a clear liquid (bile), she may have swallowed some sort of string which got wrapped around the base of her tongue, forcing her to only vomit and not eat.

  2. I doubt spraying for mosquitoes caused her death. Outdoor cats are exposed to all kinds of parasites and diseases.  Is a neighbor poisoned rats and she got a hold of one of them s he could have also died from the rat poison.  She also could have drank water in the gutter that some careless person let their radiator coolant carelessly overflow into.  Just one more example that cats should not roam freely.  

  3. maybe lack of lives my cats has only 4 lives now

  4. Young cats sometimes eat things that are not good for them, say she caught a field mouse or even a roach and as she was playing with it like a toy, she got some of the insecticide off the field mouse or the roach on her paws, then later on, she washed her paws with her tongue, the insecticide on her paws would then be transferred into her mouth and directly into her system, causing her to vomit.

    I am deeply sorry that you have lost your best friend, but there is nothing that I can do to help ease the pain for you now.  The only thing that I can suggest is that you learn from this bad experience and in the future when you have another kitten or a young cat, and you know they are going to be spraying in your neighborhood for those winged vampires, to keep you cat indoors, in fact, lets prevent this problem from ever happening again by keeping your cat indoors at all times, this would prevent you from having to go through this terrible nightmare again.  I have several domestic cats and I keep them all inside the house except when I am home with them, then we all go outside and I watch them very closely to make sure they don't get into anything that can hurt them.  Also, if you do decide to keep your cat inside, then take the precautions ahead of time to "cat-proof" your entire house or apartment, making it impossible for the cat to get into any of the household chemicals you use for cleaning, cats are very curious and I had to go through my entire house and cat-proof it before I got my fist cat from the No-Kill shelter, and because of this precaution ahead of time, I have never lost a single pet to anything, except old age.

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