
What causes the hyper-sensitivity of Chinese nationalists?

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Is it like some kind of castration complex?

Why is the Chinese government actually proud of the fact that the female medal-presenters at the Olympics were made to "bite on chopsticks" to teach them how to "smile right" (in the same identical manner)? How does one feel pride at being so frighteningly and overtly fascist?

Chinese government - one giant, scary control-freak?




  1. Your disclosure certainly has that one human-hater on edge.

  2. "Castration Complex " or "Castration Anxiety", which means deep-seated fear or anxiety, was created by an Austrian Jew, Sigmund Freud. He based it on psychoanalysis observation among the European Jews or Europeans.

    It is still relevant today: Israelis hyper fear of a nuke attack by the Arabs or Muslims---though none of them possess one;  and Americans trumpeted fear ---Chinatown in US had a chemical bomb specialist --- a wide-spread  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Âœnews“ four years ago splashing all over the US media, all pointed to  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Âœ the Fear Mongering”.

    This is why we are seeing Iran’s ‘nuke bomb” is the news of the day.  And it is very reason that US and Israelis coming attack have been spinning right in front of our eyes.

    So good of you to reminds us of what is exactly going on !

  3. Well, you have the official line of rhetoric that a govt and its military puts out, then you have the feelings and views of the citizens. China is a country w no history of democracy, so their leaders are not used to being questioned or having their statements picked apart and analyzed for truth or content. They love to put on a big BIG show, the bigger and cornier and more c**p-tacular the better. The more human beings they have crammed on to one football field the better, and they all have to be dressed alike and look as alike as they can, at least from up in the bleachers. But at least China is not as silly as N Korea and at least there are a significant number of regular people in China who think that hardline rhetoric is scary and will accomplish nothing.

    For many years China has just been like a narrowminded, scary dad who justified everything by saying, "Because I say so." He thinks he is the king of his castle, but all the kids are sneaking out behind his back. . .

    I think the biting on chopsticks thing is not "frightening" but silly. Isn't fascism the dumbest and most ridiculous thing in the world? I guess you are right. It is scary that so many people could be so stupid.

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