
What causes those mood rings to change colors?

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The dark rings that claim to be able to show you your "mood"




  1. Body temperature determines the color of the ring :)

  2. summer is right

  3. I think by your body temperature. The ring itself contains  thermotropic liquid crystals.The crystals respond to changes in temperature from your body. Personally, I believe it does work, sometimes.

    You can Google "How Do Mood Rings Work?

    By Anne Marie Helmenstine" for more information.

  4. "Liquid Crystal" is the key ingredient in all "Mood Rings" & other types of "Mood Jewelry" that does the color-changing.  The molecules of the "Liquid Crystal" respond to your surface body-temperature (& somewhat the surrounding temperature as well)- Then begin to move/shift in response to the temperature changes, thereby reflecting & refracting light differently, thus causing the color changes.

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