
What causes volts between earth and neutral goes higher then 8 volts?

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What causes volts between earth and neutral goes higher then 8 volts?




  1. That is caused by improper earthing.Make the earth stronger.If you continue to work as it is it will damage your computer.

  2. A high voltage drop on the neutral (large current with small wire) would be one possibility.

    Another possibility, which should not happen in a  proper installation, but I mention it because I have seen it, is that the "earth" is not actually grounded because of damage to the wiring or an error in installation, then if there is any leakage to "earth" the voltage on the portion of the "earth" conductor that is not actually grounded can rise quite high relative to neutral.

    Another rare (at least I think it is rare)  possibility is that the neutral is not bonded to earth, there are some installations where this is deliberately the case.

  3. Sorry, that doesn't make sense.  Can you elaborate?

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