
What causes white pine needles to turn brown on the tips?

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What causes white pine needles to turn brown on the tips?




  1. heat and drought maybe. it's kind of that time of year in the northern hemisphere.

    maybe overfertilization could do it too.

    It is best to research your particular plant and see if it's needs are not being met. Like some conifers prefer moist environments and some do not. so you could be watering too much or not enough.

    While you do that research you will see pages talking about the tree's most likely diseases and also the pests it is prone to, so you can compare those symptoms to what you see your tree doing.

    state fact sheets about growing things<<local info is best.

    for the US and Canada:

    if the tree is not common in ur area you may have to use general growing guides<these can give you extra info anyway sometimes.

    general white pine growing guides:

    also there are forums where you can ask and talk about things, and it's good, but caution because you sometimes get wrong answers/like sometimes the folks live on the other side of the world where soil, climate or bugs are different (there ARE local forums oftentimes):

    a general garden forum with tree subforum:

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