
What causes your eyelid to . . .?

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Twitch? My left eyelid has been twitching about every 20 sec. or so for a week now. Anyone know? Does yours ever do this?




  1. I did have this problem.  It turned out to be a B-12 deficiency.  Many individuals are actually deficient in B-12 especially after the age of thirty.  I read this, but I do not remember where.  I guess as we age it becomes more and more difficult to absorb our B-12 vitamins.  There are other more serious reasons, but I think the simplest explanation is usually the right explanation.  By the way B-12 deficiencies can be caused by extreme stress.

  2. I don't know, you should see an optician

  3. most probably stress.. but ye see a eye doc  

  4. vitamins are g*y just yank the thing off you whiny a**. it will grow back  

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