
What celebrity would you cheat on your spouse with if given the chance?

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The ones who say nobody are pretty hard to believe




  1. Orlando Bloom in a heartbeat.

  2. Brad and Ange, either of them... i've told my partner this too...

  3. Collin Farrel!  

  4. In hypothetical, no consequence world, Alyssa Milano.

  5. Kevin Spacey :-)

  6. Jessica Alba, no question! And I ordinarily prefer blondes!!

  7. I can truly say, that i would NEVER cheat on my husband, even if it was gauranteed that he would never find out. Just couldn't do it. I love him too much and would never betray him.

  8. None, celebrities don't impress me.

  9. None celebrities suck!

  10. Sorry onone he would be hurt if I cheated on him with a celebrity or someone off the street. It's OK to think about a celebrity but to do it in real life no.

  11. I guess I am one hard to believe - but I would never cheat on anyone.

  12. Megan Fox or Elisha Cuthbert.

    But anyone would do.

  13. Keith Urban or Matthew Machoney

  14. None... celebrity's suck. And no I'm not saying that because I'm not one. I wouldn't have their lives...My hubby suits me just fine

  15. My husband told me I can sleep with Clive Owen if I ever had a chance and I gave my husband permission to sleep with Aishwarya Rai if he ever had a chance to  

  16. Pffff! None of them!

    My husband is hot and the best lay ever!!!!

  17. None of them.They are all trailer park trash s****s.

    Not to mention,I love my wife and couldn't bear to see her hurt.

  18. Jessica Alba...

  19. Dunno how to answer this one because my wife and I already gave each other permission..If I ever get the chance to do Christine Agurilla I can, and if  she ever gets the chance of Nelly, she can..And now they both have restrainingg orders on us.Go figure..

  20. Hmm I can't really think of anyone right off hand that I find even that attractive. I used to have the hots for john travolita when he was younger, my husband actually looks very similar to him and he gets that a lot from people. So I actually am married to my own movie star :)

  21. I wouldn't touch a celebrity with your tool no matter how  good she looked. I know where most have been and done to get there.

    I'm stay'n loyal to my lady thank you very much.

  22. Stiffler's mom

  23. Anderson Cooper.

  24. None, for me the love and respect  I have for my husband is more important than all celebrities put together

  25. none i love my husband doesnt matter who it is

  26. I'm not the cheating type, and goodness knows being a celebrity does not guarantee someone is worth s******g.

    I'd pass really...there are some nice looking celebrity guys out there, but none I'd lower myself to cheat with (were I in a serious relationship). I'd like to think I'm a better person than that. ☺♥☻

    EDIT: Who cares if you believe us (that choose no one) or not? Some people have morals...go figure. I simply don't have that fantasy desire to have s*x with people because they are celebrities. Relationship or not... *shrugs* You not believing me is your issue, not mine. ☺

  27. celebrities dont impress me at all. most sleep around anyway and im scared to ever catch something from anyone. BUT if i had to choose i would definatly choose the guy that comes out in the transporter movies DAMMMMM hes a hot miracle  

  28. Does Michael Phelps count?

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