
What cell component is made of both RNAs and proteins, and is found as large and small subunits in the cytopla

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d)The P site.

e)RNA polymerase.




  1. f) ribosomes

  2. Ribosomes are composed of rRNA and proteins and are composed of both small and large ribosomal subunits. Exons are DNA; Operons are DNA; tRNA is RNA only; RNA polymerase is a protein.

    So, the only correct answer is D - the p site, because the P site is on a ribosome.

  3. Ribosomes. These are tiny, protein-rich structures that form a perfect pocket in which RNA and amino acids can dock. This RNA is called "messenger RNA" because it conveys the DNA's. Also entering the ribosomes is yet another type of RNA molecule, called "transfer RNA". These RNAs have at one end of their structure a short sequence of three bases that is complementary to the sequence of a region of the messenger RNA that codes for one, and only one amino acid. Let's imagine that a messanger RNA molecule leaves the nucleus, with intructions to build a particular protein that happens to have a leucine amino acid (CUG) in its structure. As the messenger RNA molecule reaches the ribosomes, a transfer RNA with a sequence on one side of GAC (the RNA complement to CUG) binds to the messenger RNA. They form a miniature double-stranded RNA molecule along those three bases. At the other end of the transfer RNA, a molecule of leucine is bound. This brings the leucine molecule into the ribosome, where enzymes can link it up with whatever the previous amino acid in the growing protein had been. The transfer RNA leaves, and another takes its place. This one has a complementary code for the next triple-base sequence of messenger RNA, which may correspond to arginine or any other amino acid. In this way, a protein is built up one amino acid at a time, until the entire base sequence of the messenger RNA has been translated.

  4. d) The P site.

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