
What cell phones can use Microsoft Outlook?

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Hey i am looking for a phone that has microsoft outlook capabality. Can anyone help?




  1. Try the HTC phones.

  2. blackberry

  3. I think most PDA phones.  

    Blackberry Sync With Outlook

    One of the most widely used business email programs is Microsoft Outlook. Known just as much for its peripheral features as it is for its easy-to-use email capabilities, now you can have the convenience of your desktop Outlook suite on your Blackberry wireless device using a Blackberry sync. With the ability to send and read emails and attachments, you can make the most of all of the tools available on your desktop while on the go.

    Click Here For Blackberry Sync With Outlook!

    Email has become more complex than just reading and sending, and the Blackberry-Outlook sync process recognizes this with text message and instant message capabilities as well. You can also access email archives and get updated information from your desktop in real time. Using Link2Exchange, you can also add spam filters and virus protection so you can open and read emails in confidence without the risk of losing valuable information.

  4. Any device running Windows Mobile, or windows ce as they both are running pocket outlook.

    There is also Palm Os which can sync with your outlook.  

    Then there is Nokia's E and N series devices, which can also sync with outlook. Both Palm os and Nokia devices have their own emailing software.

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