
What chance do i have to get into university if i am 40 points below target?

by  |  earlier

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i want to go to Aston, they gave me an offer for 280 ucas points, i pretty sure im about 40 points short....

what chance is there that i will get a place into this university?

also can anyone tell me if they have succesfully got a place in a university with 40 points less than the target?




  1. There is a good chance that you will still get into Aston because unis will still take students even if they don't get the grades or points set out in the conditional offer. Plus, it sounds like you are not too far off 280 points so there should be a good chance, depending on the course you are doing. My advice is to ring up the uni when you get your results and see what they say. Hope you get in though!

  2. ring them and ask, it depends on how many people hit their target this year.

  3. Your best bet is to ask personally.

    Make an appointment to see someone at the university in charge of admissions. If it is impossible they will tell you what you could do. They will of course give you credit for taking the initiative and asking.

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