
What chance do we have at being awarded custody over the child's registered s*x offender's father?

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My husband and I are fighting for custody of my great niece. The baby's father and grandfather are also fighting for custody. The father is a registered s*x offender and the grandfather is an alcoholic. They live together, so the baby would be around the s*x offender daily. They have a lawyer and we do not...will that matter? I am really scared for this baby and I would rather her stay with her foster family than to be subjected to what is likely to happen with the father.




  1. Why doesn't your niece have the baby? She is the mom, right?  Sounds like there is a lot more to this story than you are telling.   If you really think the father is a threat to his own child, then you should get a lawyer.  If you just want to create drama, then you should just drop it.

  2. I would get a lawyer. You need one anyway to fight for her. But more likely you could get custody. Because your lawyer can have a paper of prrof the the baby father is s*x offender and he lives with grandpa that also drinks. The judge would need to see that and the judge won't let them have custody and would give you the custody.

  3. First, just because you are a registered s*x offender does not make you a bad person. Why was he convicted of the crime. Did he actually rape or molest some one, or just date someone under age with there consent, break up with them and them decide to press charges. If he is a non-violent s*x offender then you could have some problems. Just by saying he is a "s*x offender" doesn't really explain the situation though.

  4. Pfft As long as you dont have a similar record, you will get the baby.  Dont worry about it. Be honest with the judge, and I hope you dont have a rocky past, but I think you will be fine. Mothers have a better chance at gaining custody anyways :)

  5. if your past is clean this is a slam dunk case. You will win, that said though in order to win it, you are going to need a lawyer. Besides the fact the father is a child molester, courts usually tend to side with the mother in child custody cases.

  6. You need to get a lawyer. Ask friends if they can recommend a good attorney who practices family law. If that fails, call your local or state bar association and ask for their lawyer referral service.

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