
What chance is there of truly intelligent life evolving on Earth?

by  |  earlier

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I define IL as a form that is ingenious, imaginative, creative, but smart enough not to shoot itself in the foot (or head), or destroy what it needs for a satisfying life, with its own "cleverness". Obviously we're not there yet while we search for it in space - but there have always been isolated hopeful signs? So what are the odds? And what might we do to help?




  1. Our brains have changed little imho since the Cro-Magnons. Man's evolution since then has been primarily cultural. It's what's available for downloading, so to speak.

    For getting some IL out there into the world, neither cleverness of any sort nor outsmarting cleverness are half as crucial as rigorous honesty. It's how you use it, inherited and bequeathed.

    When I look for hopeful signs I look more for living human specimens of IL than subcultures or organizations. (My wife is one.:) )

  2. there are four things that are too amazing for me...

    The way of an eagle in the sky...

    the way of a snake on a rock...

    the way ot a ship on the high seas...

    and the way of a man with a maiden....


    and we can't do anything about it. Just be the best of what you are...I guess......

  3. Maybe I'm answering the wrong question, but we are evolving every day. The law of technocracy!  

  4. I would think right about now the only animals who would classify us as intelligent are... us.  But for our planet, there's hope:  We're killing ourselves off at a pretty good rate.  And we're ensuring that most of the planet's other life goes with us.  Once we're gone, life on Earth can start over.

    This is good news for the rest of the universe, too.  Do you really think an intelligent being on another planet wants us to invade them with Starbucks and bottled water?  Stealing stuff from their planet so that we can sell it "back home" for a few pieces of green paper?  Trying to take over their planet by slaughtering those natives who resist us (after all, history's shown that we're more than up to it)?  Trying to force those who survive to adopt our customs (or hey!  Become our next generation of cheap workers--or better yet, outright slaves)?

    I don't think so.  In fact, I think that's why we haven't heard from them.

    I think there's a chance truly intelligent life could evolve on Earth.  Once we're not standing in the way.  

  5. It is already too late. This is as good as our intellect gets and we are going to destroy the earth with our higher level of intelligence.

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