
What change will your presidential elects offer America?

by Guest59204  |  earlier

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REFORM: McCain/Palin

EXPANSION: Obama/Biden

I personally see these people representing these options.

Do you agree? Would you say this sums up your options for change?

If not, what are the changes that you see each party bringing to America.

And please try to comment responsibly.

If you'd like further clarification on what I mean by this REFORM meaning taking America to a standard where everything will run in a certain fashion, with certain values, expectations, etc. of its citizens and families.

Expansion, meaning broadening of these issues, rather than tightening of them.

Is this a correct assessment? Why would you choose one over the other.

LEAVE OUT THE TERRORISM STUFF too and just focus on AMERICA - the people - itself.

I don't know if I worded that well enough but I'm really curious if you perceive it this way too, at least on issues at home.

I realize there is a whole lot more to it that just that but deep at the core I think it all starts with this.




  1. 20 years time there will be no US, only an area of The North American Union. It will become a police state directed by the new world order, there are many many fema prison camps being built in the US, the population will be carefully reduced by 85% This agenda is both of McCain and Obamas agendas.

  2. I believe McCain and Palin offer long term stability.  People actually don't like uncertainty.  The Democrats prey on the boom and bust people and the guys whose troubles are self inflicted.  I believe those two are smart enough to prevent large scale troubles like the housing bubble that got high due to corruption such as false information on loan forms or the stock market bubble which was the result of "cooked" books.

    As far as balancing the budget, I don't believe either president could fix it.  The budget for next year has a projected deficit of $407 billion.  Almost all the money that goes to the government goes to the "poor and needy."  Out of $3.1 trillion about $798.1 billion doesn't go to the poor or the environment.  That includes security such as the military, the federal payroll, NASA and pet project.  Increasing taxes just increases the number of poor which is what Obama wants to do.

    I also don't believe either party can fix education.  The trouble is there is a lot of pump and dump by a host of organizations so the teachers at the classroom level just ignore all that and do what they want.  The students have their own agendas too.

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