
What changes do I need to make to a UK car to sell it in france?

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What changes do I need to make to a UK car to sell it in france?




  1. Unless you sell it cheap you won't find a buyer for a UK car. But if you still want to sell it you will indeed have to register it and maybe have it tested by Les Mines to see it obeys French norms (this is to stop people from buying cheaper cars abroad).

  2. Continental headlights.

    If the car has only 1 rear foglight it must be on the left.

    You will need a valid controle tecnic (French MoT test) which must be valid for a further 6 months (done after 4 yrs then every 2 yrs).

    Good luck trying to find a buyer!

    Oh yes.  It must be French registered.

  3. you might need the steering wheel on the left side and i believe france has more smaller cars and not huge hummers and SUV's.

  4. you need to re-register it there.. for a start..

    and tell the DVLA also in the uk..

    also there might be import tax on it..

    but wouldn't it be easier just to get a left hand drive there?

  5. Hello,

    As a French, I can just tell you that a UK car, with a right steering-wheel, won't sell (easily) in France. Maybe to a Bristish living here.

    Good luck.

  6. Teach it to speak french.

  7. i don't think you need to change anything. well, the steering is left side for french cars, but it doesn't matter. there are many people owning french cars in the UK who are managing to drive in the left lane with a left steering. i don't assume the french government will object that....! will they??  just sell it.

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