
What changes do you plan to make in your life style if the price of gasoline continues to rise?

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Would you consider riding a bicycle to work? What about moving to a house closer to your work? Car pooling? Buy a more economical car? Go back home and live with Dad and Mom?




  1. It would take me about three hours to walk to work from where I live.  (And trust me, I know this)  There's no subway to get to anywhere from my house, and there isn't even a bus route even vaguely near my house.

    Looks like I'm going to have to buy the gas, and subsist on a steady diet of ramen noodles.

  2. i have been seriously considering getting a bike. I live in Hawaii and gas prices are close to 4 a gallon. I work 22 miles away from home and if I ride a bike it would probably take less time considering how bad traffic is.

  3. Imay have to give up my car, & use my bus pass when I get it { 2 years time }

  4. If it stops raining i will cycle to work.

  5. i just got rid of my car, and with 3 kids its hardish to adjust, but we will, and we will do our bit for the earth...and our purses !!!

  6. I think I will be walking and riding the subway more often to save on money

  7. Most people don't actually NEED a car.If you have a car that you don't really need,get rid of it & stop complaining.You will save money & be a lot healthier by walking,cycling,or using public transport,((walking to/from the bus/train stop.)

  8. not bother getting my license

  9. Cutting down on arson.

  10. No significant changes! Love my car...Love to drive!

    Mainly I'll just complain more!

  11. If I lived in town I would definately catch a bus or car pool.  In the summer I'd like to think I would bike, but its not likely.  I have thought about buying a car that is hybrid but I'm hearing alot of bad c**p about what it does to the environment to make these cars so think I will stick with my little four cylinder car that runs on an oily rag.

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