
What changes have you made in anticipation for the recession?

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Times are getting hard, could you please suggest any ways to cut back on cost and still enjoy life a little. I've been walking to save on fares to work and I've started feeling fit. What have you cut back on?




  1. A good idea would be to build an underground bunker with food, weapons, and a cache of fluorescent light bulbs to sell on the black market for profit when times get hard. A good stash of cash is helpful being in a place where Obama knows not where it is.

  2. I don't go to the store as often unless it is a store that I can walk or bike to.  I go get food once a week and take a list, I used to go more often but now I plan ahead and I save a lot of gas and it helps the planet.  I try not to waste electricity.  I try to only buy products I need, I've cut back on spending my "fun" money

  3. I didn't exactly cut back - it was more of an end run. I bought 2 cars that run on natural gas (methane) instead of gasoline. They are way cleaner than gasoline cars and way cheaper to fill up ($10). Didn't cost too much to buy used, either. Check out my sources and see if there are any filling stations in your area, because these cars can save you a bucketload of money if you happen to be in the right place...

  4. I've also, started to walk to work 10 miles there and 10 miles back.

    I've also, cut back on using too much electricity by turning off stuff  at the main plug, when they are not in use.

  5. trying to get a second job

  6. None at all. Why should I do anything when the Government just increases taxes and chucks the money away.

    When they start to be economical then I will follow their lead, eh Tony?


  7. i dont think i could cut back much more. probably cut back on drinking and smoking

  8. There's not much more I can cut back on, I've always had to be careful with money.  I am going to make the effort to grow more veg and herbs though.

    I've been appalled at hearing how much food some people apparently throw away.

    I work out a budget, shop wisely, using a list, make the best use of food - creative use of leftovers.

    A freezer as a great asset, as a store for home made creations and not someone else's ready meals.

    When making a budget, include a little 'pocket money' to spend on whatever you like - it helps keep you sane, as long as you don't cheat!

    When making coffee, use the microwave to heat a mug of water to a drinkable temperature.

    I gave up the car several years ago and have now given up on the idea of getting another, I will stick to cycling and walking - much better in many ways.

  9. My husband is a independant consultant and his income is always affected by the economy, so we know we are in for a few lean years.

    I grew up in a modest home, so being frugal is second nature to me. The most important thing we have done is paid off all credit card debt and stopped using them. We have reduced the number of times we dine out and have planned family vacations closer to home.

    I've recently been inspired to live a more sustainable lifestyle which works out well to save lots of money. I shop at farmers markets which reduces my food costs even though I'm cooking more at home. Fresh food almost always costs less than packaged food. This spring I planted a few of my favorite veggies, so we are enjoying them. I am in the process of taking out one section of grass to plant a larger veggie garden next spring. I am taking out another area of grass to plant a couple fruit trees and some berries. This not only will provide me with food, but cuts down on my water bill, grass is very water hungry.

    I've also begun detoxing my cleaning and beauty products. I've discovered that white vinegar and baking soda clean almost anything add that with a little natural soap and your set. I can't even calculate how much money this has saved us on various cleaning products.

    I have replaced everything disposable that I can think of. I rarely use paper towels, I don't own paper plates or plastic forks. I have cloth bags for all of my shopping, most stores pay you 5-10 cents per bag you use.

    I line dry my clothes and use vinegar as a fabric softener. I have installed an attic fan which helps the attic stay cooler, so the a/c doesn't run as much. I've adjusted my a/c to 80 and use ceiling fans to feel cooler.

    I buy less overall. I try never to impulse buy and shop with a list. If you think your child needs new school clothes take an inventory of what they have. You may be surprised at how many pants and shirts one kid can own.

    Decluttering saves me money too. If you reduce the stuff around the house to what you actually need it will be easier to find when you need it. No more running to the store for tape when you know there are at least 3 rolls in the house somewhere.

    If you ever think you don't have anyroom in your budget to cut, try this. Keep a note book in your purse or car or some place where you can get to it easily throughout the day. Write down every single purchase you make and assign it a catagory. This will include breaking down grocery shopping into food, cleaning supplies, or whatever. Keep track of your purchases for an entire month. You may be surprised at how much you spend in some areas, going out to lunch, morning coffee and for women beauty products are all areas that most people spend more than they think they do. This is the easiest way to see where you can cut back.

  10. I got a part time job with room and board.   Extended the job another 6 months when they gave me the chance.   Walk or bike most places now.

  11. Driving. I left a job I loved that was, unfortunately, 60 miles away from my home. I was lucky to find a comparable position much closer to home (less than half the distance), but I never would have considered leaving my job if gas prices weren't through the roof. I have a family now. I had to do what was best for all of us.

    At my new job, there is a woman who lives in the same area as I do, so I'm considering car-pooling with her. We tend to work different hours, though.....

    We've seriously cut back on entertainment...we rent movies instead of go to the theater, hang out at home with friends instead of going out. Being home-bodies is what you make of doesn't have to be boring.

  12. i thought  just wouldnt eat for a few weeks or whatever. diet! lol

  13. 1.Just start eating half.

    2. Take only one meal either lunch / dinner no breakfast

    3.Go for fasting two days & eat one day again do fasting two days & eat one day .OK

  14. Being retired and debt free I am somewhat recession proof.

    This spring, with a frost taking out our prospect of a crop in cherries, plums, and walnuts, we planted a much larger than usual vegetable garden and we have been out hunting rabbit to avoid loss of garden and to provide low cost meat.

    We have been keeping a few years' wood supply drying for years now, so no change there.

  15. I've really just been trying to be more concious of not being so wasteful. Turning off lights, combining trips when driving, using less water.

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