
What changes have you made since the cost of gasoline keeps going up?

by  |  earlier

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what have you done or stopped doing to still be able to have fun with these high gas prices?




  1. mi mom got a new car and sold her old 1

    her old car with tha most expensive gas was around 65 bukks wen she filled her new car in for tha first time its was around 30 still using the most expensive [=

  2. I gave up my car 2 years ago because of UK gas prices.  Now I dont pay higher insurance,tax, repairs, tyres,M.O.T. test

    saving £2,000 a year on my meagre budget !

  3. I got a second job. Need to pay for the fuel.

  4. One thing for sure,we car pool all the time.If we are going to shop,we go together.Really nice for all of us.I walk when I can and only go when I have a list of stops needed....

  5. going to town and going out to eat because it takes more than 40.00 to fill up my dad's truck.

  6. I drive only when necessary and when I do have to drive, I stack errands in the most efficient manner possible

    I try to see how many uses I can get from one thing.  For example, I like to burn jar candles.  They not only freshen the air, but save electricity at night because I don't have to turn on lights.  And they make great gift containers when decorated for home made goodies and storage containers around the house.  I'm making more gifts than buying thus saving both money and gas.  I'm also trying to grow more in my garden that is edible, like peppers, herbs and tomatos, to save trips to the grocery store.

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