
What changes occur in the animal's rate of ventilation.....?

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What changes occur in the animal's rat of ventilation when given a mixture of air containing 10% oxygen? Explain. (please be specific)




  1. Firstly, I understand that the subject matter of experiment is connected with the physiology of ventilation and the experiment (TEST) specification you have taken into consideration in a lab experiment is  a rat.

    The mechanism would be VERY MUCH SIMILAR as in all mammals including in humans.

    Nexly,  where ( the respiration chamber) the rat has been observed, a mixture of air has been introduced with a 10% of oxygen ratio.

    And, now you want to observe the CHANGES in ventilation rate IN YOUR TEST.

    So, my conclusion is, in  your ventilation test, there is a case of "OXYGEN DEBT" case.  (read what is this)

    Let me explain why oxygen debt?

    Because the normal proportion of oxygen in air is about 21% and you have case when it has been reduced to 10 % ( That's doubtlessly a debt in oxygen supply)

    So, the whole process of respiration, inspiration, expiration along with ventilation mechanism will be immensely affected NEGATIVELY in case of a rat in a test chamber.

    YOU NEED A LITTLE studies through phydiology of respiration and ventilation TO understand the whole changes taking place within...... ( These link will describe...... OPEN them & READ)

    Thus, before assuming anything.... you have to learn some details about the physiology of ventilation and to do it,at first, have a look at this link included  beneath-

    1. First see details in case of invasive ventilation in clinics (Comparing to humans ventilation mechanism)

    2. See a case when oxygen is introduced

    3. This link willdescribe what ir respiration, oxygen debt, Hb-O2 afinity and the overall mechanism....

    4. Chech this link to understand afew things like the percetage of inhaled and exhaled air and the whole process of ventilation in all species including in Mammals ( roll down a little to mammals)

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