
**What changes should I be prepared to go through if I was moving from America to England?

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1. If I wanted to study there after graduating from high school, what would I need to do?

2. What is the economy like in comparison to the American economy?

3. What cultural differences should I be prepared for?

4. What is the violence like over there?

5. How much more obese are Americans than the English? Are the "healthy weight" requirements different?

6. What type of music is more popular over there?

Thanks, I'd like to move to some part of the UK someday, most likely England, and I was wondering how big of a shock it would be culture and lifestyle wise.

Also, what are some popular word differences. (Slang, etc. Like elevator/lift and such.)

=] No rude comments about either country, please. Please no fighting or witty banter over which is the better country, I'm trying to stay neutral there until I lived in both places.




  1. Hey girl! You and I both want to pick up and leave to Europe.

    1. Have you graduated from High School already? If not then you should go to your guidance counselors and talk this over with your parents on helping you achieve your goal to study abroad. Studying abroad is a good idea b/c it allows you the chance to live and study there from 3 months to a yr. If you have already graduated then you should google universities in the UK and do some further research to help select a school that's good enough for you.

    2. In the UK everything is expensive. Last time I was there was in 2006 and the UK was double everything the US dollar was. I know that the US dollar is really nothing nowadays and don't know the conversion fee to the euro dollar. You should look it up. You'd also would need to save for your trip to England, get a job, and live on campus.

    3. I've been to the UK and I loved it. The British are just very polished in terms of possessing style and class. They are also intelligent, cultured, extremely polite, and have fabulous fish and chips (way better than the ones I've had here in Calif.). I LOVE accents in general so it's only but natural for me to adore the British accent and slang they use. Not to mention I still like me some Prince Harry and Prince William *smiles* lol. There everyone dresses very nice unlike Americans who's style consist of jeans, baseball caps, flip flops, and track suits. In Europe for women the handbag and shoes are the most important aspects of her outfit.

    4. The violence that I witnessed in the UK was purse snatching.

    5. Americans are much more obese because we live a secondary lifestyle that revolves around comfort and convienence. All around Europe people walk, take public transportation (buses, metros, trains, subways, taxis), and mopeds to reach their destinations. Because Americans are larger than Europeans the clothing sizes have changed to adapt to Americans. Therefore, the size you are currently is probably 2 sizes smaller in the European sizes. Look it up.

    6. The music there that is popular are R&B and Alternative/Rock. While in my hotel room I would play the radio and they really play everything that would normally play on American radios.

    A few slang words used:

    Mate= friend

    Tele= television




  2. just because you asked me not to

    the USA is way better we bailed the British out of WW 1&2

    however sadly they have the stronger econmy

  3. Sorry this won't be much of a help except about number 5...

    The English are far more healthy (besides the smoking part). I've been to England twice in my lifetime, and only ONCE have I seen someone over there who I would actually say could lose a few pounds.

    And just to give you an idea of how healthy the food is over there, I'm a vegetarian and it's pretty difficult to go eat somewhere other than home because not a lot of places are very veg-friendly. But when I went to London, almost EVERYWHERE had a vegetarian menu! Even the Burger King!

    So yeah...pretty much get ready for a healthier existence.

  4. 1, The System which you apply to University through is called UCAS, go to for a full listing of all universities and courses and any other info - I do think they charge a lot more for people from outside the EU though.

    2, Enconomy is a bit better everything is more expensive over here, I couldnt believe how cheep stuf was in the US.

    3, Cultural difference hmmm we are alot like the USA with the export of tv shows etc. but we do drink a lot more, if you are coming to study in the UK you should be aware that the sudent life style is based arround good nights out.

    I had an American flat mate last year who learnt the hard way that in the UK CIDER is an alcaholic drink not just apple juice.

    and we tend to have a darker slightly odd sense of humor.

    4, In large Cities there is always allot of violence but at least we dont let everyone over here have guns.

    5, I think we are close to catching up with you to be honest, thanks for giving us Mcdonalds.

    6, errr thats hard every one likes different stuff but most American artists are over here so it shouldnt be hard to find people with similar interests.

    There are loads of different words we use for different things, which does make watching US telly a bit odd. f***y = v****a in the UK Nobody says scoccer we all say football Bollocks meaning testicals has a similar meaning to Bull SH*T.

    I found this list on wikipedia and have had a look through, most words i recognise some are just used in the north but I think it will help you.

    I would recomend staying in the south of England where they speek the queens english, the further north you go the closer it gets to scottish and if you arent able to full understand so English language I wouldn try living somewhere with a think accent. It is a lot cheeper to live in Wales but they speek Welsh and thats realy hard.

    Just be prepared to find your self in a pub at 3 am with your flatmate screaming at you across the table "How do you spell colour ?!?!?"

    Ok, errr thats it I think

    oh, I got to the University of Lincoln in the City of Lincoln - Its very nice.

    and if you need any help or want to know anything else at all email me -

  5. Im British

    1) Many people from all over the world come to study in the UK, The UK has the most course offers with over 55,000.

    2)The economy is up and down almost ever day

    3) The UK is more relaxed and they are many different religions over here

    4) In the USA they have guns, we have knives, but relax, we have a good police and good hospital services

    5) The BMI and weight is all the same. the UK is healthier then America. There is more salads and vegatables

    6)Music, The UK has the best choice of music! The Beatles, The Who and The Police ALL came from the UK. We have blues, Jazz, Pop, Rock, COuntry EVERYTHING!

    Word differences: Many people use american words and vise-versa.

    American- Pants

    British- knickers/boxers.

    That is probabaly one of the biggest. If you go into a shop and ask for pants, they will give you a pair of boxers! (knickers)


    I would say south is better because it is closer to London (the Capital), it has better transport to other countries, better Universities, it is healthier, warmer and more historic

    (Well i am biased as i am from the south !)

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