
What changes should I make to this paper I wrote for school?

by Guest63715  |  earlier

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The Dust Bowl was caused by drought and over farming in the 1930's.

It resulted in sandstorms due to all of the loose and dry soil.

The Dust Bowl effected parts of Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and Kansas.

It lasted for six years in some places and in other areas a decade.

Many people were forced to leave the Dust Bowl for California, but the majority of 1930's migrants, even migrants from Oklahoma, came from regions of the country largely unaffected.

The people that moved to California to find a better life were called Oakies.




  1. What grade are you in? If it's for high-school it's way to short. Add more details, say what health affects happened to people living in the area's the dust bowl was. Say how this area's are now. Does the dust bowl still affect this area's?  

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