
What changes would Rome go through had it been for Righteous Mark Antony to beat Octavius Caesar..?

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Would Rome still be a part of Rome or Would Antony let Egypt take hold of Rome..?




  1. It is unlikely that Antony would have been able to consolidate power the way Octavian did. And making Egypt his powerbase would probably have been a mistake. It is unclear whether the republic would have survived in some form, I doubt if we would have seen the imperial state emerge in such a powerful form. Most likely there would have been more protracted civil wars.

  2. Rome would have been torn by civil war. Marc Antony was too despised in Rome by the time he and Octavian went to war, and Rome would not have tolerated an alien influence over them. Some of Octavian's other generals would have rallied to the cause, most likely with Senate support. Egypt would probably have ended up not only as a subject state, but put to the same fate as Carthage itself. And Egypt simply didn't have the power, for all its wealth, to defeat Rome. Once Antony was defeated, then Rome would have been wracked once more by civil war, as surviving politicians and generals struggled to grab the big prize.

  3. Rome would have risen in righteous Roth , Antony was a debuachy and seen as such , Romans were very puritanical when it came to family and there sacred arostocracy .

  4. It seems we still have many Roman traits taxing people to keep them as slaves is a disgrace to our human rights. I often wonder what would happen if history had a different victor but it is imposable to predict anything

  5. I agree with you

  6. The illuminate would not have been born....

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