
What changes would most likely occur in the United States if a sustained campaign of terrorism were initiated?

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What changes would most likely occur in the United States if a sustained campaign of terrorism were initiated?




  1. The liberals would throw a hissy fit.

  2. Gas prices would go up.

    The dollar would be intentionally devalued.

    Mercenaries would be used on american soil to control the population.

    Habeus corpus would be weakened.

    Many wealthy terrorists would move to some place in the middle east like Dubai to escape accountability.

    The terrorists would grant each other retroactive legal immunity.

    Police would be authorized to use no knock warrants for non-violent offenders resulting in the needless deaths of innocent civilians and police officers.

    The terrorists would try to wiretap you with impugnity.

    Military personnel would be allowed to hold drills in US cities without the permission of local authorites.

    The terrorists would get rich off of no-bid contracts.

    The terroists would force us into trillions of dollars in debt.

    The constitution would become "Just a GD piece of paper".

    Terrorists would regularly infiltrate peaceful activist groups and initiate violence as a pretense to let the cops assault innocent civilians.

    Tasers deaths would rise as police begin to use them as a torture method.

    In other words, look around. Has this question been open since August of 2000?

  3. Martial Law would be instated.Controls setup by the federal government would be implemented.Restrictions on travel,curfews,road blocks.You name it and they will do it.

  4. Exactly what is already happening in the name of the overblown war on terror.

    Sam F says it all.

    Wake up America!

  5. Look at Israel.

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