
What changes would you make if you could of how your local APA league is ran?

by  |  earlier

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The APA rule book applies to all of its players at every level but the League Operators have some flexibility in how they operate in their respective territory. What would you change about the local league? Please respond only if you are an active APA pool player.




  1. I actually like the Top Gun rankings. I think if you didn't factor in player ratings, you'd have high level players abusing the rankings by only playing low rated players. I know at least a dozen players who would go undefeated every session if they only played players rated 4 or less.

    My biggest problem with my local LO is that he procrastinates, and does not make information as readily available as it should be. For example, he'll set up a qualifier for the National Singles Championships, but won't hold them until the weekend before (or sometimes even the weekend AFTER) the paperwork is officially due to be turned in. So if he doesn't get it sent out immediately, a bunch of people are out their entry fee, and nobody has a chance to set up another qualifier if they do not win. He also forgets to tell teams about the top 16 tournament, or waits until the day of the tournament and calls the team captains to tell them where it will be held. This type of problem could easily be fixed if he set up a website and kept it up to date though.

  2. The only real issue I have with APA is Top Gun. To me, keeping a tally of the skill levels one beats contradicts the Equalizer handicap system. It's basically saying that it means more to beat a person with a higher skill level, when everyone is supposed to have an equal chance of winning.

    What I'd like to see instead is something based on a player's record or points earned versus matches played. I think it would encourage people to play often and well.

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