
What channel do i put the tv on and what button do i press to watch dvd using dish network??

by  |  earlier

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yeah, i think thats what its called, dish network. but anyway. how can i veiw dvds?? the dvd player is hooked up and everything, the disk goes in, and it says its playing. but i dont know what channel to put the tv on or what button to press on the remote!! so,, what channel and what button to press on the remote??? help!! please!!!!




  1. Most likely it is not a matter of what channel, Rather what input on the TV. Follow the cables from the DVD player to the TV,They will probably be plugged into input 1, 2 or 3 depending on the TV. When you find the input, look on the remote for an input button, with the DVD playing push the input button until you see the movie. To get back to normal TV push the input button until you get back to normal programing.

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