
What channel is the Olympics on? I'm in NY.?

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And what time? I'd really like to know! Please and thank you! :]




  1. Check NBC at around 10pm and MSNBC at 9am to 5pm

  2. 4

  3. Channel 4 is NBC and also depending on your provider, one channel in the ESPN bundle.  

  4. whatever channel NBC is there, and its on right now if you can watch... otherwise, its on at Primetime

  5. astra satelite zdf in germany and nbc in english

  6. Trust me, they're on all the time on lots of channels.

    I'm not really sure. The only Olympic sport I like watching is gymnastics and competive horse jumping. The Olypmics actually annoy me a little bit, so I try not to watch them.

  7. Channel 4 is NBC in NYC normally.  Evening begins at 8, sometimes a little earlier.  Try during the morning and early afternoon also.

    Swimming and gymanstics have been mostly in the evenings.  Their mornings are our nights.

    Good luck and most of all ENJOY.  

  8. channel 4 (NBC)...and it's on alomost all day..just turn on channel 4, and see.  you're in NY and you don't have access to a TV guide, or anything?  

  9. USA, NBC, and MSNBC

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