
What chaos has your child caused?

by Guest58903  |  earlier

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My 4 year old lovely was very busy early Sunday morning......

She found a way to unlock the kitchen door and then had a whale of a time rummaging through my baking cupboard!

She mixed up in several bowls and spilled all over the floor,

food colouring

dessicated coconut


uncooked popcorn



custard powder


bombay mix


The scene that greeted me was a completly foody covered kitchen and child! Oh well, three hours later it was all back to normal.




  1. I had the same from my two boys when they were very young, we put a lock on the top of the door, unfortunately the stronger boy lifted the lighter one to open the door!

    I too came to find sugar tea coffee cereal flour all over the kitchen (they had had a great time!)

    I remember when I was 5 being up very early and decided to make breakfast for everyone.  I got a chair and used a whole packet of porridge oats (which was everywhere) I was half way though when mum came down, I proudly announced that I was making breakfast for everyone today!

  2. My son is now 6 going to be 7 in a few days and when he was in preschool he started banging on the table and had all the others banging on the table chanting "we want juice, we want milk" Nothing like a fun little riot to get the day started!

  3. Don't know if it's really chaos..well it caused me chaos and stress! The day before Easter when she was 3, I was prepping for about 30 people to come to our home for dinner.

    She came in  that morning before, and had decided to cut her long hair! It was literally hanging in piece was like 1 inch long, while another was about 4" long,e tc. The entire way around her head!

    My first response was to cry!! Then trying to find a hairdresser the day before Easter was no easy task. We finally did, and she had a cute pixie cut for the holiday and the next few months.

  4. My daughter's preferred mediums as a toddler were big tubs of Desitin, and the contents of her diaper.

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