
What characteristics do you use to determine if someone is "educated"?

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other than having a college degree and speaking articulately?




  1. These days? If they can locate their country on an unmarked world map.

    The bar is set rather low.

  2. If they are racists or not.  The less educated, the more likely you are racist.

    *viper, there is nothing wrong with me.  Most of the racist people I know are uneducated.  It is called life experience. Most people who have been to college get away from their racist roots and learn how to interact with all kinds of people, another reason they have more tolerance.  True story.

    BTW--I didn't say smart, I said educated.  Big difference.

  3. It used to be a university education, but universities (oversubscribed as they are) are now turning out many idiots. They also have a number of idiots standing behind the lectern.

    Educated is one thing, but being an equally good citizen and a decent human being is another thing entirely and this is absent in a lot of cases.

    I agree with Mike T, that a school graduate can outshine a college graduate. The day degrees became more worthy than actual skills, was when the idea of education became deformed.

    To ADAM:

    Something intellectual & technical.

    What's yours? Does it matter?

  4. Open mind to other opinions, common sense, being fair, believing in self-improvement and learning, life experiences.

  5. Life experiences.

  6. a sharp sense of humor, a broad spectrum of knowledge on various subjects such as politics and language, and common sense. without being a pompous @ss.  

  7. generally, vocabulary and a quick wit, but also at least a "working knowledge" of several subjects and current events - intelligent conversation

  8. i can smell genuis, but that is me

  9. Open minded, polite, has a good attention span, life experience, doesn't think they're better than others...

  10. I would say...Polite attitude, decent wear, and considering the comfort of others around him.

  11. The degree of COMMON SENSE they have in addition to their knowledge of people and the world.

    A truly educated person not only knows a lot of things, BUT they can also apply that knowledge. A college degree doesn't mean anything. You can graduate from high school and be more educated than someone with a bachelors degree.

    Still, the term "educated" is somewhat subjective. Technically an auto mechanic is "educated". :/

  12. Uh, having a college degree is irrelevant.

    Articulate helps, though on can be educated without being articulate.

    If they seem to have a basic knowledge of a bunch of areas, then I consider them educated. Often, people are educated in a sub-set of things.

    The only way to know whether someone is educated or not, is to get a sense of how much they know.

    But there ar ea lot of people who are well-educated who have no degree or even went to college. and a lot of ignorant twits who have degrees up the wazoo, but little knowledge.

  13. It is really a situational question to me.  Do I think someone is educated enough to...  is really the question.  Overall though I guess I equate educated with quickness.  If you can say something intelligent in the natural flow of many random conversations, I'd probably view you as pretty bright.  

  14. Well education refers to having knowledge in something.  I am educated in elementary education, but far from it when it comes to sewing or tailoring clothing...which is why I take mine to someone who is.  People can be educated in nearly anything.  It doesn't require a degree, such as pluming, cosmetology, Xray tech, dental hygiene, construction, cooking/baking, etc.  Even those working at fast food restaurants have to be educated in doing their jobs.  You can be educated with a degree as well, even if you are an idiot (sadly).  Education also has little to do with common sense (as noted by the idiots with degrees).

    Being educated has nothing to do with your personality or natural talents.  This is why people can have the same knowledge (or education) and one be more successful than the other.

  15. Well i guess another option would be if they think their answers and decisions through.

  16. Education commonly refers to formal educational attainment.  When you fill out a job application or compose a resume what do you put under "Education" - if not information about your education?

    Critical thinking skills are essential.  How and where do we learn to think critically?  By writing essay after essay at uni.

    Travel can be very educational, but in a resume I would put this sort of thing under "Experience", not "Education".

  17. Strive for wisdom not intelligence for achievement of wisdom brings great smarts.

    And the person who said stupid people are intolerant what the h3ll is wrong with you.  Just because a person is smart does not mean they can't be racist.    

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