
What characteristics of a pioneer species allow it to thrive?

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What characteristics of a pioneer species allow it to thrive?




  1. I think what allows a so called pioneer species to thrive, is not necessarily particular characteristics of the species itself. I personally think it is the environment and/or food source at the time that favors the diversification of new species. As such environments change or disappear, so do the animals that were the product of that era.

  2. It's pioneering spirit

  3. "Since uncolonised land usually has thin, poor quality soils with few nutrients, pioneer species are typically very hardy plants, with adaptions such as long roots, root nodes containing nitrogen fixing bacteria, and leaves that reduce transpiration.

    Pioneer species are often grasses such as marram grass, which grows on sand dunes.

    The plants will be specially adapted to the extremes that may be experienced, and once they have modified the environment may be out-competed by less specific plants, eventually leading to a climax community. "

    Hope that helps,


  4. We're talking Anthropology here. There is no such species, your either a species or your not.

  5. I think it's their pioneer spirit and can-do attitude.

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