
What characteristics of a woman is an Aquarian man usually drawn to?

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Is a Libran Woman compatible with an Aquarian Man?




  1. Libra woman is probably the one sign who will understand how to work her way into the Aquarius male heart!  He needs to know you aren't going to push him.  He likes to take things slowly and at his own pace, at least at first.  Don't talk about commitment. If you do, he'll probably devalue the idea. Oh, he wants a commitment. He just doesn't want anyone to know he does!  Enjoy his quirkiness. He can't help but appreciate a girl who indulges his eccentricities.  Be careful about giving too much too soon. He'll pressure you for more, but let him know you need time to make sure this is what YOU want.  

    If all else fails and he totally refuses to commit after a decent amount of time, leave him cold.  That will wake him up and fan the flames of desire.  He'll see that you have self respect, and no Aquarius can run from a girl with self respect.  

    I hope it works out for you!  I think if anyone can pull it off, a Libra woman can!

  2. According to this they are:

    Libra and Romance

    Unlike Capricorn, Libra is a taker. They will take, take, take, and then give a little, then take some more. But there are times where Libras just go super crazy and this is called: Hyperfunk Zone. When Libras go into Hyperfunk Zone, it's really hard for them to come out of it. Usually it will involve a manatee, bottle of peptobismal, and the statue of that one guy with his wang hanging out. Yeah, that one. Libras like to take on relationships head on, possessing the trait of Aries. They tend to marry signs that bend to their will such as Leo, Taurus, Aquarius.. and.. even Aries. In fact, I know a Libra (the same one I mentioned earlier in fact) who is with an Aries and whipped his alpha-ness into that of a golden god. If Libras can do that, then they can probably change any sign they want... even Abyssuarian! Well, maybe not Abyssuarian... we'll see. Libras just want to be loved, though, and love in return. As long as the sign they have their hawk-like eyes on can handle mood swings, tons of socializing, and lots o' lube and toilet paper, then baby, you were made for each other... or um, you were made for someone else and Libra molded you into someone they wanted. The end.

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