
What characterizes an emotionally immature preschooler?

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How can you tell if your 4 year old is lagging behind emotionally? What behaviours would you look for?




  1. Do you mean clinginess to the parent?  It's hard to tell at that age, because pre-schoolers go through phases.  My six-year-old still goes through phases of clinginess (doesn't want me out of his sight), and then he'll back to being independent again.

  2. As with people in general some are much more sensitive in a situation than another. I agree with igot-ter completely. I have been teaching for twenty two plus years and those are the same traits that I notice as being immature.

  3. A preschooler shouldn't be in preschool, but rather home with his or her parent.

    There is no such thing as an "emotionally immature" preschooler, and this is mumbo-jumbo of liberal, clueless psychology.

    Bottom line is to teach him or her at home and the child will be levels ahead of everyone.

  4. :-)  My first thought was "What 4 year old is not emotinally immature?".  There are very few...which should give you a little comfort.  :-)   As for a meltdown at a party regarding musical chairs :-)  well... I think that would have been a very normal reaction for any child being told that they can't do something (where they know they are quite capable).  Also consider the time of day...was your child tired at this or the times he has bitten?  Was he on a sugar-high?  Had he eaten a healthy meal?  They play a big part in a child's behavior.  The following is a "guideline" that some people think a four year old should be able to do, with regards to social-emotional development.  Hope it helps.

    Social & Emotional Development:

    1. Shares materials

    2. Takes turns

    3. Shows respect and right’s of others property

    4. Keeps hands to his/her self

    5. Listens while others speak / tell a story

    6. Is polite / courteous to other children & teachers

    7. Helps classmates clean up when play time is over

    8. Can attend to bathroom needs by his/her self

    9. Makes attempts to put on his/her own coat, jacket, sweater…

    10. Can zip, snap, button clothing

    11. Separates from parents with ease

    12. Seeks other children to play with

    13. Can express anger in words rather than actions

    14. Smiles, seems happy much of the time.

    15. Works and plays cooperatively with other children

    16. Seeks help when needed

  5. At 4 they are all immature.

    What a crazy trend it is to start psychoanalyzing 4 years olds.

    Just a kid, give them some room to develop a personality.

  6. after teaching prechool for twenty years i can tell you to look for this in your 4 year old: inability to use the toilet on their own in even the smallest in asking for any kind of help, inability to use their words instead of throwing tantrums or striking out in any way, unable to use manners in speaking (interrupting) or at dinner etc, unusual amounts of crying over small issues, inappropriate laughing etc.

  7. Don't worry so much...keep smiling and your child will also be a happier and emotionally balanced person as a grown up. Don't analyse so much for a 4 year old. Love is the most beautiful emotion. Give lots and lots of love, ( I am sure u do), and quality time. that will be reflected in the childs behaviour.

  8. you really can't.  even at 11 i can't tell if mine is mature for his age or not (i suspect not).

    what is the child doing that is concerning you?

  9. Ummm ... maturity comes with age. A four year old hasn't been on this earth long enough to really get a grip on their emotions. Moreover, how can anyone calculate maturity in a four year old in the first place? Really, what have they experienced enough to determin if they are above, below or just adverage emotionally?

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