
What charges can they get you for for this offense and how much time can you serve

by  |  earlier

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Sending online pizzas to a person repeatedly and the pizza place prosecutes.




  1. You'll have to pay for all the pizzas, plus the person you've been sending the pizzas to will probably press charges, too. So you'll have to pay them some money. Not sure exactly how much. If you get a good lawyer, you'll get off easy but pay more for the lawyer than you would ever had to pay in fines. Hope you enjoyed your jackassery, and that all of this is worth it.  

  2. I don't know about the charge, but why would the pizza place prosecute?  Has the person who received the pizzas wanted you to quit for some reason?  Sorry for the questions back to you, but this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, if everything is on the the up & up.  The pizza owner was making money!

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