
What charitiy should I give to?

by Guest66350  |  earlier

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hey people - feel like giving to a new charity. I got 15 quid a month, and not sure what to go for. Already give to the big ones, ocfam, unicef, red cross.

I was thinking about Water aid and food aid, but I want a charity that doesnt leave people on dependance, instead has projects likie education and sorts out injustice, human rights etc...

Im not really interested in giving to UK charities or animal charities, cause frankly us lucky sods arnt dying on the streets and drinking our own S****y water. And ill cry over animals when 10 million kids stop dying.

any suggestions, at mo im thinking 5 pound each way to water aid, food aid, and action aid.

do you give to any charities youre very impressed with.

cheers guys.




  1. Check out there great. they help wipe out poverty around the world

  2. Check out KIVA. I  recommend them # 1 overall. Also SEVA. You are welcome to contact me if you have additional questions. I have been researching and writing about such stuff for eons. You can also poke around my Global Peace Global Healing site (1,000+ coolest human rights, animal welfare, environmental +++ Orgs, Groups, Individuals growing daily), and look at Charity lists/ rating sites like Guide Star, Charity Navigator,Charity Watch, etc. Start with Guide Star. Sakanta Running Wolf Bell-Gumaer, MS Counseling, Metis, Founder, Director, Global Peace Global Healing

  3. Too bad you rule out the Salvation Army out of prejudice.

    Maybe an enviromental group, or the Human Fund?  I agree with your reasoning on animal groups.

  4. http:\\

    British Special Forces Soldier's site.  Money goes to support wounded and disadvantaged veterans.

  5. Women shelters always need help, I know because I lived in one on and off as a little kid.  We always got happy when someone donated stuff, money, and food to the shelter.

  6. Charity begins at home.

  7. Tthe Salvation Army

  8. I strongly recommend local soup kitchens and things of that nature.

    Even if you are not religious, Churches that provide food on holidays and help to homeless are very trustworthy organizations.

    Giving locally means your dollar is preserved in its value, and the r esult oif your good deed is a cleaner & healthier neighborhood.

    Not that larger orginizations are bad, I just think the more local, the better.

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