
What charity is the most deserving charity out there?

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I just think its a bit silly/selfish of some charities such as the rspca that value a puppy with bladder problems over a cancer patient. Fair point?




  1. I have been donating to The Demelza House Children's Hospice for 4 years now. You can look at them, here:

  2. UNICEF for people


    RSPB for animals

  3. Vitalise (UK). Respite care for disabled people. While doing voluntary work there I met people who made me feel lucky despite my own unfortunate situation.

  4. The American Cancer Society

  5. Great Almond Street for children in london

  6. March of Dimes. they help save premature babies

  7. every one has a charity that is special in their heart

  8. what do you mean the most deserving?!, they ALL are.

  9. there are so many i tommys a good one for prem babies

  10. There are so many deserving charities.  You just need to find one that is special to you for whatever reason....

    Cancer Research

    Children in Need


    any Children's charity for that matter...


    Air Ambulance Trust

    Like I said soo many.

  11. There are thousands of them in the UK alone

    My two are:

    RNLI & CPL (Cat Protection League)

    Some charities have huge administration costs and aren't sure if all your pennies are going directly to the needs of the 'shop floor'

  12. you can,t really say one is more deserving than others i give to several because they are all worthwhile

  13. i think charity is fundamentally wrong we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world and all causes that need financing should be able to get it from the government or lottery cash-since that isn't the case we should all choose which charities we feel we want to donate to rspca and pdsa get my ££ every time over and above any others and thats my choice- so thats that

  14. Here's my pick:

    The Box Project, link below. They have advertised in Better Homes and Gardens if you read that magazine.

    It's a charity that was started by a Maine housewife in the 60's who met Corretta Scott King on a plane. Mrs. King told her about the poverty-stricken families living in the Mississippi delta region and gave her the name and address of one family in need.

    It has since grown to include thousands upon thousands of families helping families. You sign up on the website, pay 50 dollars a year to help with administrative costs, then you are sent the name and address of one family in need. Each month you send that family a letter and a box (hence the name box project) filled with everyday household items they need. You communicate one-on-one with that family, there is no red tape or "middle man" and everything you send goes directly to that family.

    Sometimes it's really daunting to think about trying to help everyone in poverty. It can be overwhelming and depressing. What I like about this project is that it brings it home to you, you are helping just one family, you are communicating with them and sharing your life with them, and they with you. We may not ever be able to lift everyone out of poverty, but we can help just one family. I find it to be a very fulfilling charity to work with.

  15. why your charity is most deserving cause when you  give of your time,  love , effort, care, kindness ,joy,happiness,oops almost forgot money,then you get double in return,,, now you didn't ask  what  charity organization was most deserving thx and  have a wonderful day

  16. I don't think there is a most deserving as all charities need money and support all the time, they all do good work in their own way.  I am supporter of animal charities like my local animal shelter, they never put a healthy animal to sleep and need as much money as they can get to help with running costs, I also did some volunteer work for them, it's something i will be able to do again when I start my new job.

  17. Personally I think the Make A Wish charity. The poor kids they help have had no time to enjoy life and are sometimes in extreme pain but never complain about the hand they've been dealt.

    They take the kids and let them do something they really want to do to give them something fantastic that they've done in their lives, not only for them to remember but their parents can remember the joy on their faces!

  18. R.N.L.I

  19. My favorite is  Redlight children is a group that helps children that have been kidnapped or sold into s*x slavery.  The problem is MUCH bigger than most people think because it's not mentioned much in the media.

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