
What cheers you up alot?

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What cheers you up alot?




  1. Oreos. It really works! Especially if I am down with the flu. Its better than any medicine I know...

  2. go shopping money and diamonds.

  3. My cats.

  4. The feeling of being alive  after waking  up every morning.(In today's world you  just dont  know).

  5. food! especially carbs, they boost my mood instantly.

    talking to my friends felix or kris, they have great sense of humour and ill always have at least one good laugh a day when im with them.

    or watching my zebra finches puff up and sing, that always puts a smile on my face :)

    ahh im happy already haha :)

  6. Dressing up in a fashionable manner which i like very much?

    Appreciation for the nice work i done for the team where i work.

    Long drive during my auspicious day.

  7. all good things in life!!!!

    infact,u can make even worse situations better,jus by a simple smile:):)

    so go on..capture hearts and spread cheer:):)!

  8. Everyday i wake up.

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