
What chemical property gives H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide its antiseptic and cleaning capabilities?Is it oxidizing?

by Guest66997  |  earlier

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Or is it something else? Thanks so much.

PS Does alcohol have the same properties for the same reasons?




  1. Peroxide is an oxidizing agent and it destroys living cells it comes in contact with.  That is how it works as an antiseptic.

    Alcohol is hygroscopic, absorbs water.  It sucks moisture our of cells and interferes with cellular function.  Alcohol is a poison to living organisms.  Some require a higher level to be toxic than others.  Yeast that forms most alcohols as a waste by-product will die off between 8 and 18% alcohol by concentration.  Humans will usually die off with a blood alcohol content between .4% and 1.2%.  Other cells react similarly.

  2. H2O2 has strong oxidizing properties. It causes bio-oxidation that results to damaging bacterial and human cells.

    Alcohols are derivatives of water. Like water, some alcohols are readily absorbed by the cell, such as the bacteria cell. Alcohol is toxic to most organisms (some bacteria and animals including humans.

    I have read that these antiseptics should be used only in small amounts for cleaning wounds because they also damage human cells.

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