
What chemical reactions do the farming industry relie on?

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What chemical reactions do the farming industry relie on?




  1. photosynthesis is the basis of all life.  other critical energy reactions that occur in all living cells include such things as metabolic pathways where sugar is broken down to provide energy, protein is broken down  and rebuilt to replace damaged cells, fat is created for energy storage and later broken down to provide energy.

  2. photosynthesis.

  3. Possibly all possible bio-chemical reactions that can take place on this planet earth are important for agriculture.

    Everybody has already stated 'photosynthesis'.

    I will list a few as examples:

    1. When plants have to absorb nitrogen, it must be processed by microbes through nitrification and/ or denitrification to nitrate.

    2. Phosphorus and many other micronutrients must be brought to soluble form by chelation with organic acids produced by microbes [thus even synthesis of tri-carboxylic acids is also involved].

    3. When plants grow, they perform various chemical reactions such as oxidation, reduction, substitution, addition [synthesis], hydrolysis, etc.

    Even if one such reaction is inhibited, the normal growth of plants will be seriously affected.

    Therefore, unknowingly the farming industry relies on each such reaction equally well.

    This is the reason why output from farming can not be controlled as any other 'industrial process' which has fewer chemical reaction better understanding as well as control mechanism.

  4. Agriculture involves working with living plants and animals, so there are thousands of chemical reactions taking place at all times. The most basic chemical reaction that all life depends on is 6H2O + 6CO2 -----sunlight-----> C6H12O6+ 6O2, or Water + Carbon dioxide in the presence of Chlorophyll and Sunlight yields sugar + Oxygen, which is photosynthesis. No life, plant or animal, could exist on earth without it.

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