
What chemicals prevent mosquitoes from breeding in my bird bath?

by Guest21509  |  earlier

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what chemicals can prevent mosquitoes from breeding in my large garden bird bath? it is a circle about 3 ft. across. does the chemicals kill the birds that drink out of it?




  1. NO CHEMICALS!!! If you put a small fountain in it, you will have no more mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can only breed in STILL, STAGNANT water. Also, you will want to change the water out every few days or so, to keep bird diseases from flourishing.

  2. Simply flush out the bird baths water daily with your hose before you go to work. No chemicals, no fuss. It will clean out any larve and keep your birds safe from chemicals.

  3. Mosquito dunks. (any pet store)


    #1) Change the water weekly. REASONING: The typical mosquito goes from egg to adult in 7-10 days depending on the temperature/food available. By changing the water weekly you will prevent the cycle from completing. EFFECTIVENESS: 100%

    #2) Circulation. REASONING: By having moving water the mosquito will not lay eggs/larvae can't develop. This sounds good, but I have found mosquito larvae in moving water before (along the edges). EFFECTIVENESS:75-100%

    #3) Larvicide. A common larvicide (larvae killer) is available at most hardware stores. Look for the active ingredient of Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis isrealiensis) as it causes the larvae to die. It is VERY species specific and will not injure birds or any other creatures deciding to cavort in your birdbath. EFFECTIVENESS: 99.99999% (Almost perfect!!)

    #4) Larvicide OPTION #2 - Methoprene - Although effective against developing larvae, it does not have target effects (crustaceans and other insects may also be injured/affected by this product). EFFECTIVENESS: 90-100%

    #5) NO WATER! The most obvious and least fun of all of the options. No water = no mosquitoes. EFFECTIVENESS: 100%

    Any of these options will work, but I would choose #1 or #3. Good luck and enjoy the good weather!

    P.S. Some mosqutio MYTHS:




  5. Try putting a teaspoon of household bleach per pint(litre) into the water. Won't hurt the birds as we and our pets drink that from the tap. You can't use tap water for a fish tank due to the chlorine so it should work killing off the mozzies.

  6. And what about the poor birds? Anything that will kill mosquitos, will notdo the birds much good! when you water your garden, just flush out the bird bath at the same time.

  7. Stagnant water is a major contributor to mosquito breeding. Chemicals can make the birds ill and they're probably feasting on the mosquito larvae. More info here. The extensions on these links are different and so are the pages.

  8. Birdbaths should be filled with fresh water every few days.

  9. exchange the water occasionally..... stick the hose in there and get some fresh water in there.... what could those chemicals do to the birds???

  10. By flushing out the birdbath every day you will be replacing the chlorine that will have evaporated in twenty-four hours (which will prevent both algae from growing and mosquitoes from laying their eggs in the water). Should there be any eggs that were laid at the end of the 24 hour period (sans chlorine) – you will remove them with the hose as you replace the old water. The birds and your neighbors will love you for it.

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