
What choice would you make in this hypothetical situation?

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Would you go to prison protesting your innocence having been found guilty ......


would you plead guilty to accept parole and relative freedom from prison.

No arguments as to wanting to fight for your name outside or what sort of crime you had been accused of ..... IT IS ONLY HYPOTHETICAL!




  1. It would depend WHAT I was found guilty of.

  2. My answer at this point in life would be to suffer through prison for the value of integrity.

    But in as much as that may sound a higher road answer I would also consider the alternative if there were a greater chance that I could work on proving my innocence if I didn't.

    Very difficult situation indeed and I hope that I am never faced with such a dilemma.

  3. If you believe in something strongly enough you might go to prison, although it would depend on how long the sentence might be

  4. protest my innocence

  5. Plead guilty and accept parole

  6. The first one in most circumstances.

    But it would make a difference as to how long the sentence was etc

  7. Well, the most important thing would be that I, along with my loved ones and friends, would know that I was at my age and this point in my life, I would plead guilty to assure my freedom.

    I'd regret ever being put in that position, but I could live with my decision....easily.

  8. Even if i'm innocent i would plead guilty , because that's how the system works .

  9. Probably go to prison protesting innocence.  I take great pride in my honesty and would fight for that privilege to be known.  I would never plead guilty to something I didn't do.


    It is how it works here.  In many cases the innocent cop a plea to get off easy, and the ones who refuse to cut a deal with the prosecutor ends up in jail, guilty or not.

  10. Simple, if I'm innocent - to h**l with pleading any thing else, PERIOD.

  11. Plead guilty.  If I know I'm innocent, I would have a much harder time in jail.

  12. Plead guilty, accept parole, and be free.

  13. Under your hypothetical, I'm going to have a conviction on my record no matter what I do.  So I would plead guilty and take the parole.  I have no interest in being beaten, killed, or otherwise violated in prison.

  14. protest my innocence

    then get people on the outside to start the revolution early and i'll be free

    then who will be laughing


  15. It would depend on the crime and the prison sentence.  I'd do a short sentence rather than admitting something I felt was a pretty bad thing to have pinned on me - say buggering a badger, similarly I'd not want to go down for years over something that would sound a bit trivial if I just took a caution or parole for it - say streaking at a football match, or getting caught in a brothel.

    But if it was a real biggie, murder, rape, etc. I'd like to think I'd fight it all the way and win an appeal later down the line.  They let you pump iron in prison, right?

  16. I would not plead guilty for something I have not done.

  17. Hmm. Live with the truth behind bars, or live a lie outside in the world.  I think I would have to live with a lie and be free.  Bottom line would be that God and I would know the truth.

  18. I've never done hard time but I have been in jail in almost every city and town I've ever been in. Never long because I was never guilty but enough to know jail is not a place I'd like to be. If I was accused of something I didn't do but was fairly sure I'd do hard time for it, I'd cop a plea to stay on the outside on probation and then clear my name. Unless you've got lots of money, once you're on the inside you'll do your time because no one else is going to clear your name for you. And for those who think they can plead not guilty and just get parole, it don't happen until after you've done some time.

  19. This is not hypothetical. My ex had me arrested on a false charge & I spent 3 weeks in jail. I was the bread-winner, so once he realized that he had locked up his paycheck, he did his best to get me out. I will NOT go to jail again. Three weeks of my life were too many to lose.

    He's out of my life now. Still alive, unfortunately, but out of my life.

  20. guy or gal you risk rape in prison among other things. take the parole and continue to work to prove your innocence.

  21. Plead guilty and accept parole, I don't want to go to prison !!

  22. I would go to prison protesting my innocence, if i knew i was, and would do so until the day of my release. and then find every means possible to sue them for wrongful arrest.  

  23. I would plead guilty to stay out of prison.

  24. No arguments, eh?  That's not the way our system works in America.  I can't relate to your choices, as they make no sense to me.  This is not how things work where I come from.  Hypothetical & it sets a dangerous tone for being painted into a corner.  Your latter choice leaves me wondering what type of a system you people in the UK have over the one we have in the US.  

    That's why I can't make a you don't actually give me one to make!  I guess this question is just for people living outside the of the US.

  25. I'd go to prison and regret for what I've done.

  26. I'd plead guilty. Here in the UK you'd be in prison twice as long as anyone else as you wouldn't get parole unless and until you showed remorse.

  27. Choice number 2 - I'd definitely choose freedom

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