
What chores can kids do to get money?

by  |  earlier

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hi i'm wanting to get some money so what kind of chores can i do to do around the house pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee no internet working just realated to this topic?





  1. try simple things like:

    doing the dishes

    cooking dinner


    washing the car

    cleaning windows

    mow the lawn

    ask your parents what they dont like doing and do it for them! they love it and give you more money if you do it with a smile!

    i learnt that whenever your doing a chore for money never complain and take your time to do it well!

  2. ooo easy!



    -wipe counter/mirror


    -polish floor

    -scrub bathtubs or tiles


    -mow lawn

    -rake lawn

    -make/prepare meals!?

    -tidy house

    -make beds

    -take out trash

    -take care of siblings/or dog/cat etc.

    that's some chunks from my list, and i don't even do them for money ( I just like clean houses =D)

  3. wash the dishes

    prepare food (sometimes and supervise so it isn't an egg crack on the floor)




    wash the pets

    wash cups

    wash the clothes

  4. Clean the Table

    Load the Dishwasher

    Mow the Lawn

    Clean the Bathroom

    Clean the Storage Closet

    Wash the Car

    Weed the Gardens


  5. Um okay if your parents pay you then you could wash dishes, mow the lawn, and clean your parents' room.

  6. You Can Think You Will Rich

    Money ane More Money You Can Find

  7. The answer really needs to come from those who will be paying you. If you are asking about getting your parents to give you an allowance, only they can answer your question on what they want or need you to do.

    You don't only have to do chores for your parents to make money but consider hiring yourself out as "rent a kid" to help elderly, disabled or busy people or families with household and yard chores that they need done for them.

    Just make sure your parents are aware of what you are doing and who you are doing it for because there are alot of crazy people out there.

  8. Do the dishes

    ask for a rise in pocket money



  9. clean your room

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