
What cichlids are compatible in my tank?

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I just started a new tank that I plan to put mostly community fish in. It's a 29 gallon tank. Right now I only have zebra danios in the tank to start cycling, but once the water is stable I'd like to have one pair of cichlids (most likely Firemouths or Convicts) to watch the breeding process.

Does anyone have experience with mixing "peaceful" cichlids with community fish like Zebra Danios?




  1. Dwarf cichlids are the only peacfull cichlids you will run into. I love kribensis b/c if you buy a pair, they will lay eggs, and they protect the eggs and fry, it is so fun to watch! Bolivian rams are also a good choice, but will not breed willingly like kribs, they will breeed under certain conditions, but I do not know much about breeding them.

  2. Firemouths would be a good choice. They are pretty laid back and easy to breed. Also Kribs and rams are pretty peaceful. Convicts are pretty nasty even to each other, but are easiest to breed of all the cichlids.  

  3. GOD I wish people that posted would post information that is accurate!!  I'm almost to the point I want to say if you don't keep or breed the darn species, then keep your fingers off your keyboard.  If I had a penny for everytime I had to post over wrong information, I'd be on Wall Street right now.

    There are TONS of peaceful cichlids out there.  When the word cichlid is mentioned, it's very helpful to specify, almost like you did, if you are asking about South American, Central American or African.  Each have different water chemistry needs.

    Firemouths and Convicts that you listed are South American types, and probably would do well in waters that danio's are in, but not like Danio's can't adapt even to African levels.

    Yes, every single one of my African tanks have community fish.  Yes you can put some cichlids in with your community fish and they are not going to turn into horrid monsters or murders in most cases.  What disgusts me most about people giving advice and having no clue, is most of it is that outdated anecdotal c**p.  

    When keeping cichlids, your tank footprint is almost like your bible really.  The larger the footprint, the better your ability to keep almost any type of cichlid out there.  Some are going to be too large for your 29 though.  I haven't kept the firemouths personally, but I do break one of my typical no no's I advise on here, and have a trio of Convicts in my 75 gallon tank with Africans.  WOW what a surprise that must be a group of people posting stuff.  Not only do I have South Americans with Africans, but they aren't killing my Loaches or Tetra's or catfish.  Guess the light might click on for some!!

    I've had Danios in my 100 and my 180, they just didn't adapt well to the African levels, and for some weirdo reason, it was the danio's wiping each other out before I added my Africans anways lol.  GO FIGURE that one.  I had a group of six glo-fish, (danios) and every time I tried to bulk up the number, any new ones just got attacked for whatever reason.  Finally I added my Africans and Jardini, and the Jardini decided he wasn't going to get harassed and had dinner.

    Anyways, sorry for rambling, Convicts I wouldn't get because when they start to breed, they will keep breeding and breeding and breeding until you are overrun with them, and trying to sell Convict fry is not going to get you more then pennies.  Try the firemouths instead.

    Most people saying don't or it won't work are totally failing to realize that the Danio's are going to stay mostly in the upper level of the tank and the firemouths down lower, plus if you get your firemouths young and watch them grow, it will increase your odds they will tolerate the Danio's even more.  Just because it's a cichlid does NOT = killer, murder, serial killer, violence etc... you just have to know what your doing.  Add in a group of rocks into that tank, stack them up, make caves out of them, and your firemouths will be quite pleased.

  4. It is my understanding that no cichlids are "peaceful" and can be put with community fish.

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