
What cities are near Rio?

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I will be on vacation with some friends and we will be in Rio for awhile. I wanted to know what cities are near Rio. Close enough so we can take a bus and not pay too much for the bus ride there and back.

About how much do bus rides cost?

Thank you




  1. If you spend a little bit more time, you can to visit Petrópolis. About 1 hour or less from Rio, by bus.

    You must see there a big organ and a famous hotel called "QUITANDINHA").

    Teresópolis, another town is very beautiful. Petrópolis and Teresópolis are twin towns, because it was build for our King Pedro II and the Queen Teresa.

    In Teresópolis, you see a mountain called "Dedo de Deus" (that means, God's finger) from the main avenue. From a small tower, you have a sight of the "Granja Comari", a beautiful ranch used by the national brazilian football (soccer) team.

    Not too much far from there, you find Nova Friburgo, a swiss city. Very, very beautiful also. Mountains, falls, rivers...

    Nova Friburgo is best know for the lingeries (pants) made there and exported to Europe Union and Middle East.

    Another very good option is Penedo. A finnish town.

    Penedo, near Resende, Itatiaia and Visconde de Mauá, has very beautiful sights. You find the Santa Claus house, there. Chocolates and finnish souvenirs, also.

    Resende is the home of the brazilian Army academy - AMAN. You can see the "Pico das Agulhas Negras", from there. This is a mountain with some natural rock-made "antennas".

    But, if you a looking for adventure, heat and beaches. Go to Saquarema, or Araruama or Cabo Frio. Ver nice places for surfing!

    You can visit, also, Buzios. The prefered of Brigitt Bardot, french actress.

    Paraty, another town in the litoral, is a goos choice. There is a annual international festival of literature. Paraty have an architecture of the XVIII century. Good place to take photos.

    If you like music. Visit Conservatória. A small town with many music schools.

  2. Petropolis (1 hour), up hill, former residence of the king.

    Buzios (2 hours) amazing beaches

    Paraty (2 hours) by the ocean as well, nice architecture, old, historical.

    There´s a lot more, buses are very cheap, around 10dollars.

  3. Petrópolis is wonderful! Angra dos Reis, Búzios, Cabo Frio...

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