
What cities in Germany have tourists welcome passes for transportation and tourist sites?

by Guest66809  |  earlier

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Will be traveling to Germany in November. We are trying to find the most ecomonmical way to see the country.




  1. Most of the bigger cities have some kind of "welcome card" that give a discount to sites and transportation.  The tourist office is a great way to find information about what's available and is usually pretty close to the main train station.  Even if there's no site and transpo card most cities have a multi day tram/bus pass or a multi person pass that is cheaper than per ride tickets.  Before you buy that find out what you want to see and  where it is, sometimes it's more economical to buy a single ticket then walk around.  You also see more of the city that way.

    To find out before you go check the city's website, usually under tourism.  ex. or

  2. Munich definitely has a welcome pass for tourists. You can get it i.e. at the airport or the train station.

  3. Right, most substantial cities have a tourist office, frequently near and within walking distance of the main train station. This should be your first stop when you get someplace, they have good deals and good ideas of things to do..

  4. There's a lot of cities in Germany and i think most folks wouldn't know how to list passesl by each one.

    But a good idea, which may help,  would be to send the official National Tourism Bureau of Germany an email - they have a great website and are good at answering questions like this. You can find them via this link:


    Also, if you're looking to save money make sure that you find accommodation that offers inclusions and is well located to save on transport and time, as well as some breakfasts. Last minute deals often come in handy.

    for 2 or more, hoels work out mostly better value than hostels, sinces prices are per room, not per bed.

    This site might come in useful. I've given you some sample links where you can sort by star rating, last minute, location and price. Dig deep for the inclusions:








    There are geat discounts on train fares and car rental, if you book it outside of the country. Try this site:




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