
What cities (towns, villages) have not enough clean water to drink all around the world?

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What cities needs clean water, badly? I'm looking forward to cities in countries like China, America, ect. But any country would be great




  1. The following countries have less than 40% of their urban areas with access to drinkable water (from worst to best). You can suppose from this that any cities within these countries would answer your question.

    Afghanistan (Kabul) - %19

    Sierra Leone (Freetown) - %23

    Guinea-Bissau (Bissau) - %29

    Chad (N'Djamena) - %31

    Angola (Luanda) - %34

    Mauritania (Nouakchott) 0 %34

    There are many other countries where the level of water quality has not been recorded, such as:

    Armenia, Azerbaijan, East Timor, Georgia, West Bank/Gaza Strip and Somalia.  All of which could be candidates for poor water quality.

    You can certainly add Australia to the list, as this is the driest continent.   It is already well documented that major Australian cities do not have enough good quality drinking water.   Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane have all been on severe water restrictions for over 10 years.  Some of the above have already built desalinisation plants and started trialing recycled drinking water programmes.    

    Countries like Israel, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates have been doing this for years of course.  The Maldives have no natural drinking water in the entire country.  Every drop has to be imported.   People there wash their cars with Evian bottled water.

  2. Cebu is a large island province in the Philippines and one has to buy drinking water.

    If you were to drink from one of the few public water utility faucets, you more than likely end up in the hospital like I did last year.

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