
What city am I thinking of?

by Guest44908  |  earlier

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I'm sitting at my computer somewhere. You don't know me. I'm thinking of a city name. I'm saying it out loud as I post this message. When you read this, write back to me at If you guess "X" then you and I may have psycic powers.




  1. I did guess "X" and I dont even know where that city is. Wow.

  2. I see a's dark at has buildings...I see water....there's a street....somebody lives there....I'm thinking of a letter...I'm thinking M or R or S or T or W or X or L or E.

    Did I get it right?

  3. new york city

  4. Boston

  5. Or it may be random chance

  6. Wait - I'm getting it - I see a vowel - yes, it definitely has a vowel - oh, wait, there's something else coming through - oh my god! - yes - good grief - I'm getting a consonant now - very strongly - yes, I see vowels and consonants - wow, this is astounding - I must take a rest now - more later .....

  7. Montreal

  8. Lisbon.

  9. Baghadad

  10. X!


  11. Dallas, TX

  12. Gander New Foundland Canada

  13. Denver.

  14. Monkeybox, Fl.

  15. Barcelona, Bonn, or Berlin

    would be the sneakiest answers. I believe that is how the psychic operates by gathering all information possible then making a confident guess.

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