
What city do i go to!!?

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i plan on visiting colombia next summer on a tour,to find a wife.Being african american,what city in colombia is best for me.




  1. medellin or baranquilla

  2. well they say that if you wanna find a wife you should go to Medellin. You should research the biggest cities in Colombia and see which one u like more.. Medellin is the safest city in Colombia right now. Great night life, beautiful women and great weather,, called the city of eternal spring and the city of will have regardless of were u go in Colombia.. u will have a great time!

  3. There are so many beautiful places in Colombia. To me the least nice place is Bogota (sorry Bogotanos!) I would definetly go to Medellin and Cali (beautiful places I love!) and if possible go to the Colombian Caribbean, places like Santa Marta which is very nice. I dont think you would have problems in Colombia being african american, all south america in general has a large population of african americans and I hacent seen prejudice in south america. You'll be fine.

  4. go to bogota it is the biggest city in colombia

  5. i suggest you go to Dominican republic or puerto Rico they like guys over there I'm Dominican and you should go to Dr there are nice people over there

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