
What city do you live in and how much is gas per gallon?

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I live in Cincinnati, Ohio and gas prices are $3.89-$3.95 a gallon. Isn't this getting rediculous? Does anyone know if it ever go down?




  1. i live in Reno, NV and it is 4.20-4.90 a gallon i use premium for my car so i pay about 5 bucks a gallon!

    where you live is actually cheaper!

    I heard it will still get higher!

  2. Magnolia, MS. and gas is 3.70 per gallon

  3. Sacramento - $3.83 - probably not

  4. Houston, TX - $3.69/gallon

    and reports just say it's gonna get worse : (

  5. Hou. TX. $3.58 to $3.65 for reg. unld. Yes it is ridiculous, but either pay the price, use public transportation , OR ? With all the hills in Cinti walking would be brutal !

  6. I live in the UK and we have to pay around £5 that's $10 per gallon. Most Americans don't how good they have it!

  7. Phoenix Arizona, about $3.45, it looks like we still have it kind of good.

  8. Average £1.129 per litre in UK and rising still =(

  9. will it go down? don't expect it to go down anytime soon.

    matter of fact, expect $4.00 to be the national average by mid to late June 2008 easy....and I wouldn't be shocked if we hit $5.00 by year end....(seriously)

    ....even if we began the process of implementing ethanol, the oil companies would expense us for the migration or atleast half using the excuse they can't afford the switch alone and they were "forced" into another area they didn't forsee or prepare for.

    all that being said...expect high prices for years to come.

  10. I live in coldwater ohio and gas last night at 8 pm was 3.77.

  11. Jackson Ms $3.61-$4.09 a gallon including diesel

  12. alabama - 3.55

  13. denver CO $3.90 per gallon. what the ****. I wish it was still 87 cents.

    I would like to add that in the countries that are $10 a gallon. most of that is taxes. and you don't have to pay taxes in other areas. some countries get most of their tax money off gas so we don't have it better over here

  14. i pay $4.09 per gallon for premium at berkeley

  15. I live in the thumb in Michigan and it's $3.99 anywhere you go... I think we're pretty much effed.

  16. louisville ky-3.99

  17. Arlington, TX- I saw $3.71 this morning around 1am. I really wish we had public transportation here!

  18. jacksonville, fl  3.75/ gal

  19. I live in a little town in the Cascade Mountains in Washington State.  Gas here is $3.68 for regular.  And oh yeah...very ridiculous!!

  20. I live in kentucky and gas is 3.70 a gallon it is ridiculous isn't it

  21. gas will keep getting more expensive until only the five richest kings of europe will own a car.

  22. Phoenix/Medford/Central Point/White City Oregon have average gas prices of $3.83 a gallon. The price of gas is predicted to be rising more and more. As the value of the dollar goes down prices are going to go up more because it'll take more money to get equal what it used to be. Also, because of inflation (which includes taxes), it won't be going down very much, if at all, anytime soon.

  23. GENEVA, NEW YORK -------3.94 for regular if your lucky!

  24. Outside DC it's $3.69- 3.99

  25. Philly burbs, and I filled up yesterday for $3.74 (regular).

    It'll be well over $4 this summer and could hit $7 a gallon in a year (if we hit $200/barrel for oil).

    Remember, you have (1) China and (2) SUV drivers to thank for the high price because of increased demand (due to low efficiency)!

  26. In ny there is a place in my neighborhood that is 4.20 but they are the highest priced gas station in the city

  27. Miami $4 a gallon

  28. i liv n d-town (dallas) n the chepest gas a gallon is like 3.56

    I dont think its going to end near

  29. i'm in Kansas City, Missouri.... and it's $3.64 per gallon.

    anyone hear about the hiatus on purchasing gas tomorrow (May 15, 2008) ??

  30. i live in philadelphia Pennsylvania and even though i don't drive, i see the prices up at like $3.50 a gallon.

  31. I hate it!!!!!!

    My hubby commutes 80 miles one way to work, I commute 44 miles one way.... it's killing us.

    Northern California is at $3.95. Unless I go to Safeway gas and use my 10 cent per gallon disount! I got gas there the other day for $3.76.

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