
What city do you think is the best in the U.S.?

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I've been to almost every big city in the US and I found that most places I visit,when I tell them I'm from Chicago they are amazed like I'm a rare unicorn.I was just wondering what people thought was the best city.




  1. I haven't been many places, so this isn't an informed vote.  I have to say, though, that I like picking the best when it comes to the best of something, which is why my favorite band is The Beatles.  So, I have to say New York City!  

  2. the best city is Malibu

  3. Sorry Chicago, I have to go for San Francisco. Been to most major cities in the U.S A, and found Chicago great but Frisco was just superb in every respect, architecture, friendliness, scenery, restaurants, cleanliness, good policing etc.  

  4. Chicago is indeed the best city. I've been to other cities as well, you can not beat the magnificient mile, all the cool museums, being at grant park, and all the cool shopping centers. I LOVE CHICAGO.


  6. Portland, Oregon

  7. Deadwood, South Dakota rocks it

  8. Chicago City in Illinois State!

  9. Winston-Salem, North Carolina

  10. none   really  seeing  as  i  come  from  Scotland  and  reside  in  Glasgow  its  the  best lots  would  disagree   but  !  sorry .. sure  that   every city in   USA   best  to  its  residents   home  is  were  the  heart  is  ,,,

  11. sorry but I don't care for any US cities, they're overcrowded, dangerous, dirty, the people are rude and unfriendly and the infrastructure is old and not maintained, also too many ghetto areas because of the racial and economical apartheid/segregation...

  12. I love Chicago too.  But I love so many cities in this country that I couldn't choose.  I love New York City also.

  13. Your city and my city buddy, Chicago!

  14. NYC all the way! xD

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