
What city was founded on Albermarle Point?

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  1. Charleston, SC

    King Charles I of England gave a grant of land in the New World between 3l and 36 degrees North latitude, extending west to the Pacific Ocean to Sir Robert Heath in 1629.

    Heath did virtually nothing with the grant. In 1663, King Charles I of England, seeking to repay some political debts, gave the land to eight members of the British nobility who had

    helped him regain the crown. These men, known hence as Lords Proprietors, wished to make a profit from their "reward".  They sought to establish a colony there to settle the land and ship raw materials to England. In 1670, they outfitted three ships for that purpose. The destination of the expedition was the much noted Port Royal. After a harried voyage, the ships reached Port Royal only to be convinced by the Indians there to go North to the area

    where the Ashley and Cooper Rivers converged. There they established settlement on the west bank of the Ashley which they named Albermarle Point. A later move across the river

    to the "healthier" Oyster Point saw the settlement expand and prosper. It was soon named Charles Town in honor of the King. Charles Town was the first permanent settlement in


  2. Charleston, South Carolina

    In 1670, a group of English settlers founded a colony at Albermarle Point, where the seat of government remained until the founding a decade later of Charleston, originally known as Charles Town, the first permanent white settlement in present South Carolina. The colonizing expedition had left England in August 1669 in three vessels, two of which (the Port Royal and Albemarle) were lost en route. The third, the Carolina, was repaired at Bermuda and in March 1670 reached Port Royal Harbor. The leaders felt that the location was too exposed to Spanish and Indian attack, and sailed up the coast to Albemarle Point. They landed and erected wooden fortifications and homes. The colony's business was conducted at this location under three Governors until, in December 1679, the proprietors designated Oyster Point (Charleston), at the junction of the Cooper and Ashley Rivers, as port town for the colony. Within 1 year, Albemarle Point was deserted. All surface traces of the Albemarle settlement have disappeared.

    Hope this helps!

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